
Keeping College Education Within Reach



Keeping a college education affordable 和可访问 is central to who UNC is. 那些 属性代表了大学的核心价值观,学生至上,社会流动 以及行动中的多样性. The increasing struggle of students and families to pay for 大学,甚至推迟或放弃大学教育,促使大学 create a program to remove financial barriers: The UNC Tuition Promise.

The new program, which launches in fall 2024, covers 100% of standard tuition and 符合条件的即将入学和目前在科罗拉多州的本科生的强制性费用 家庭调整后总收入低于65,000美元的居民或其学生 援助指数(SAI)为3,000或以下.

As a regional public university, UNC takes its promise to students seriously. 

博天堂官方学费承诺体现了博天堂官方对学生至上的承诺,”他说 安迪·范斯坦总统. “At UNC, we strive to eliminate barriers and offer students 一个负担得起的途径来获得学位,改善他们的生活和社区, and contributing to the state of Colorado.”   

对于来自低收入家庭的学生来说,获得大学学位的道路可能特别艰难 具有挑战性的. Historically, people of lower socioeconomic status have had limited educational 高中毕业后的机会. This disparity has hit families from racially and 来自不同种族背景的学生以及家庭中第一个入学的学生 上大学更难. Financial concerns are one of the most significant barriers preventing these students from graduating from college. 

这促使该大学加大了对低收入家庭学生的投入 博天堂官方学费承诺,最多支付16个学分或最多5836美元 每学期. The aid will increase as tuition and fees increase over time to maintain 在学生的学术教育和offer期间提供稳定的经济支持 平静的心态和减轻的压力使学生能够留在大学并坚持下去 toward graduation and upward financial and social mobility.

杰克肯特库克基金会2017年的一项研究报告称,来自底层的学生 社会经济四分之一的人获得学士学位的可能性比 students from the top socioeconomic quartile — 7.4%对60%. 

UNC is committed to closing that equity gap. 除了透明的时候 communicating financial information to students and parents so they can make more 在知情的决定下,该大学开发了一些项目,以补充国家和政府的资助 federal aid to ease students’ financial burden. 

Students and alumni describe UNC as a place where they feel they belong. 这个意义上 of belonging is an attribute that is central to the university. 去年,UNC成立了 另一项重要的举措是确保科罗拉多州的高中生知道 that they belong at UNC — the Colorado 一年级 博天堂官方 Guarantee program. 

这个新项目简化了大学录取过程,并有助于提高清晰度 以及那些考虑上大学作为下一步的高中生的信心. The first of its kind in the state, this program guarantees admission to eligible Colorado high school students and demonstrates to them that college is attainable. 与博天堂官方学费承诺一起,博天堂官方正在强有力地吸引学生 who might otherwise not enroll in college. Since implementation, UNC has experienced an increase in the quality of students applying and admitted to the university.

“当你将学费承诺与博天堂官方结合在一起时 倡议,UNC是很好的定位作为科罗拉多州首屈一指的区域综合 在这个机构里,公平的入学机会和成功是学生体验的核心。”

博天堂官方为一年级科罗拉多居民学生提供的入学保证消除了这种猜测 from the admissions process, offering transparency and certainty. 学生是 学术合格和符合标准要求保证自动录取 进入大学.

来自维尔德县的学生在博天堂官方学习时也会得到额外的支持, 感谢光明未来计划. Through the tuition assistance program, qualifying students living in the county receive $3,500 per year when they attend UNC. 明亮的 Futures, a Weld County workforce initiative designed to strengthen the community, 对奖学金获得者没有收入要求,奖学金不需要偿还. 

这些学费援助和奖学金项目使获得北卡大学学位更加实惠 和可访问. With a clear focus on students first, UNC provides significant financial 帮助和支持学生完成学位,为他们的成功做好准备 在他们的事业和生活中. However, sometimes a financial gap remains. 资助的 scholarships help supplement financial aid programs making dollars go further, so UNC students graduate 债务-free or with substantially lower 债务. 

“我们的校友和朋友在帮助今天的学生取得成功和成功方面投入了大量资金 这通常意味着提供奖学金,帮助他们坚持到毕业。 President for 大学 Advancement Allie Steg Haskett, ’03 said. 

“Last year, UNC awarded more than 2,000 donor-funded scholarships totaling nearly $7.500万年. These donor investments are a vote of confidence in today’s students 也是博天堂官方让更多学生能够接受大学教育的关键途径.”  

博天堂官方的学生毕业时背负的债务比其他任何四年制公立博士大学都要少 in Colorado, thanks to a combination of financial aid and scholarships. 根据 to the Education Data Initiative, the average student loan 债务 (both federal and 私人)在2023年超过了37,088美元. UNC graduates fare much better after earning their undergraduate degree — with a median federal loan 债务
of $20,470. 

 Catalyzing economic mobility for students with high financial need

尽管财政援助和像博天堂官方学费承诺这样的项目有助于减少学费 burden on students, a college education comes at a cost. 虽然成本很重要 因素,价值也是如此.

经济学家戴维·奥托尔(David Autor)将不断扩大的教育差距归因于收入差距的主要原因 inequality: “… the inevitable sticker shock that households feel when confronting 上大学的费用不应该掩盖这样一个事实:真正的终身收入溢价 to college education has likely never been higher.”

In fact, people who earned a four-year bachelor’s degree earn an average of $2.800万年 在40年的职业生涯中,几乎是高中毕业生同期收入的两倍, 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, 2023).

然而,根据《博天堂官方网站》和该大学NORC的一项民意调查 of Chicago in 2023, the public has grown increasingly skeptical about the benefits 拥有大学学位. But only 1% of the workforce reflects workers without a college degree who earn $130,000 or more, as reported in a study “Learning and Earning by 乔治城大学教育与劳动力中心去年出版的《博天堂官方》一书 大学.

A bachelor’s degree has proven resilient and offers protection to weather the ups 以及就业市场的低迷. People with a bachelor’s degree are highly employable and 适应不断变化的工作环境. They also face much lower unemployment rates: 3.5% 与6相比.2% for those with only a high school diploma, reports BLS. 失业 拥有学士或更高学位的人的比例最低,接近五分之一 unemployment rate for those without a college degree, as reported by the National 教育统计中心.

“学费承诺倡议证明了博天堂官方为科罗拉多州服务的承诺 为学生消除入学和完成学位课程的经济障碍,” said Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services Cedric Howard, Ed.D.  

帮助学生支付大学费用不仅仅是支付他们的成本和减少他们的负担 债务负担. It means increasing students’ and parents’ understanding of the cost and 投资博天堂官方教育的价值. The university remains steadfast in its commitment 解决学生在教育过程中面临的大大小小的经济困难 so they can persist through graduation without racking up overwhelming, permanent 债务.

学费承诺计划将惠及大约1000名目前就读的本科生 以及所有科罗拉多州居民或 符合资产条件的学生(无证件) 在毕业前至少在科罗拉多州高中学习一年的学生 或在科罗拉多州完成GED). 

There is no application, so the process is simple for students. 要获得资格,他们只需 需要是全日制学生追求他们的第一个学士学位和满足方案 requirements, which include the following:  

  • Be a Colorado resident or eligible ASSET student.
  • 家庭调整后总收入(AGI)为65,000美元或以下或学生援助指数 3000人或更少.  
  • 注册12至16个学分 ,并保持令人满意的学术进步,这是一项要求 让学生获得联邦资助. 
  • File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Colorado Application for State 金融援助 (CASFA) by June 1.
  • 申请并获得 大学机会基金 (COF)津贴,该津贴按学分提供 funding from the state to off-set tuition for eligible in-state students.